Selected publications - Complete list available here
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Garribba L, De Feudis G, Martis V, Galli M, Dumont M, Eliezer Y, Wardenaar R, Ippolito MR, Iyer DR, Tijhuis AE, Spierings DCJ, Schubert M, Taglietti S, Soriani C, Gemble S, Basto R, Rhind N, Foijer F, Ben-David U, Fachinetti D, Doksani Y, Santaguida S*, Short-term molecular consequences of chromosome mis-segregation for genome stability, Nature Communications, 2023, (*corresponding author)​
Ippolito MR, Martis V, Martin S, Tijhuis AE, Hong C, Wardenaar R, Dumont M, Zerbib J, Spierings DCJ, Fachinetti D, Ben-David U, Foijer F, Santaguida S*, Gene copy-number changes and chromosomal instability induced by aneuploidy confer resistance to chemotherapy, Developmental Cell, 2021, (*corresponding author)​
Wang RW, Viganò S, Ben-David U, Amon, Santaguida S*, Aneuploid senescent cells activate NF-kB to promote their immune clearance, EMBO Reports, 2021, (*corresponding author)
Martin S, Santaguida S*, Understanding Complexity of Cancer Genomes: Lessons from Errors, Developmental Cell 2020 Volume 53 Issue 5 p493-618 (*corresponding author)
Wang RW, MacDuffie E, Santaguida S*, Generation and Isolation of Cell Cycle-arrested Cells with Complex Karyotypes, J. Vis. Exp. 2018 (134), e57215, doi:10.3791/57215 (*corresponding author)
Santaguida S*, Richardson A, Iyer DR, M’Saad O, Zasadil L, Knouse KA, Wong Y, Rhind N, Desai A, Amon A*, Chromosome mis-segregation generates cell cycle-arrested cells with complex karyotypes that are eliminated by the immune system, Developmental Cell 2017 Jun 19;41(6):638-651 (* corresponding authors)
Santaguida S and Amon A, Aneuploidy triggers a TFEB-mediated lysosomal stress response, Autophagy 2015; 11(12):2383-4
Santaguida S and Amon A, Short and long-term effects of chromosome mis-segregation and aneuploidy, Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2015 Aug;16(8):473-85 Review article
Santaguida S, Vasile E, White E, Amon A, Aneuploidy-induced cellular stresses limit autophagic degradation, Genes and Development 2015 Oct 1;29(19):2010-21
De Antoni A, Maffini S, Knapp S, Musacchio A*, Santaguida S*, A small-molecule inhibitor of Haspin alters the kinetochore functions of Aurora B, J Cell Biol. 2012 Oct 15;199(2):269-84 (* corresponding authors)
Santaguida S, Vernieri C, Villa F, Ciliberto A, Musacchio A, Evidence that Aurora B is implicated in spindle checkpoint signalling independently of error correction, EMBO J. 2011 Apr 20;30(8):1508-19
Santaguida S, Tighe A, D'Alise AM, Taylor SS, Musacchio A, Dissecting the role of MPS1 in chromosome biorientation and the spindle checkpoint through the small molecule inhibitor Reversine, J Cell Biol. 2010 Jul 12;190(1):73-87
Santaguida S and Musacchio A, The life and miracles of kinetochores, EMBO J. 2009 Sep 2;28(17):2511-31 Review article